Where Heart and Psyche Meet




You mustn’t live your life

dominated solely

by the fragility of your heart;

for when fragile things

are left unattended by the psyche–

when they are not anchored

to a higher reason–

they are sure to break.




You musn’t be ruled

under the reign of

your psyche alone;

for without the tenderness

of your heart and

all of the benedictions that

it is capable of providing,

your mind will

surely become a war zone,

your sanity a victim

of carnage and

morbid delight.




Cure your heart

by means of the psyche

and your psyche

by means of the heart;

for this is the place where the

two shall unite.


This is the place

where you shall

finally be happy.


–“Cure the soul by means of the senses.” (Oscar Wilde)


Reasons why we should not regret the heartache:

  1. This healing would not be possible without the breaking
  2. This Poetry would not exist without the breaking


He used to be “my type,”

but I think I have finally gotten

to a point in my life where I can confidently

say that this is no longer true.


Because now,

am “my type”.


–Self Love


The scent of

lavender Epsom salts

and peppermint tea

emanates from her pores.


She smells like a warm bath,

the type you run at the end

of an incredibly long day,

the kind of day that leaves you

feeling broken and exhausted.


She smells like comfort–

like peace.


–Serenity Part One


I know longer get up in the mornings

just so I can fall for you,

just so I can

plummet in the name

of the heartbreak

I had once known.


–The Vertigo has passed


My pulse has fallen back

in to time

with my heart

and all the rest of me.


–Serenity Part Two


To Me:

I love you to the moon and back

then twice around.


–Same words, different context


To The Starry Eyed:


Perhaps it was never

a matter of your

light eventually dying;

perhaps it was simply a matter

of you failing to acknowledge

your light in the first place.


Perhaps the celestial

nature of your being

glowed so brightly that

you had no other choice than

to close your eyes.


You were conditioned

to believe that

there was darkness and

darkness only,

and for this,

you have been deceived.


But no longer;

for I give you permission

to open your eyes,

to recognize that which lies

beyond the shadows.


Go out, I say.


Go out into the warm evening

to watch the lightning bugs and

how they dart about the trees

in whimsical harmony,

how they rise up towards the dark sky

in the hopes that, one day,

they too will become one with

the constellations that blink

so tantalizingly in the blackness.


You will be tempted to capture these

lightening bugs in a jar,

one you may place on your bedside table

as your own personal night light,

and night light whose glow

is sure to ward

away unwanted thoughts

and any manifestations of terror.


But, as lovely as this notion is,

you must not subject these creatures

to the cold glassiness of captivity.


Of course, it is not captivity

if they come to you out of their

own free will.


So, open your mouth wide and

offer them a home

that is free from

automobile windshields

and preying rabbits.


Let them warm the

inside of your being

so that you may become

a welcoming vessel,

one where dreams

and ideals

are sure to strive.




Perhaps our stars had

crossed for a reason–

perhaps there is method

in the madness of heartbreak.


I never needed you to catch me;

maybe I am my own safety net.


And the heart mended the ribs,

remedied by the self-love

woven into its beating.




“I’m sorry he broke your heart.”

“It needed to happen.”


I used to write poetry

to pay homage to you,

but now,

looking back,

perhaps those poems were

nothing more than cautionary tales.


Remove the splinters from

your heart and use them

to stoke the fireplace,

to kindle

the self-love you

have always had in you–

to spark that which

has been lying dormant

and passive within your soul

this entire time.


And for the shards embedded

in your palms:

pull them out with

a tender caution,

careful not to leave

any shrapnel behind,

and then bandage the

wounds that remain

with the healing nature of Poetry.


Perhaps it is better

to have loved and have

lost than to have never

have loved at all,

for in both the

loving and the losing

comes remarkable learning.




You can try to protect her from

the heartbreak.


From him.


Even from herself.


You can try to protect her.


You can try to save her, too.


You can try.


But, at the end of the day,

this is something she must do

on her own.


–You are resilient, do not forget that


Beams of pale light sift their way

down through the clouds.


They touch me,

and I begin to cry.


But I am not despaired;

I am alleviated.


My limbs,

rigid and pained,

begin to thaw.

My face, ashen and shadowed,

begins to warm.


–All because you are gone


You will never be done with poetry,

you will just be done writing poetry

for him. 


—He has never deserved your words, and he never will.





Won’t you surrender your

nightmares to the light

and dream with me?


Perhaps happy endings

do not exist.


But maybe

happing beginnings do.


So, to whoever is reading this:

I give you permission

to find your beginning


–Out with the old, in with the new


She was a tragedy turned fairytale.


Perhaps it was never a matter of others

underestimating your capacity for darkness

but rather your own inability to recognize

your capacity for light.


You do not have

to be sad to

satisfy the wild in you;

be the kind of girl

who lives life with

a happiness that cannot

be restrained.


And that night, she looked the universe in the eye and said,

“Do your worst. I dare you.”


“Teach me how to live.”

–Mentor Part Two


Always remember that even warped records

are still capable of producing music.


–Broken does not equate uselessness


Perhaps poetry cannot fix all of our problems,

but perhaps  it is the first step to reclaiming what has been lost:






And, the most important of all:



I need you.

I want you.

I love you.


–Mantra Part Two


I do believe in fairies

(and, now, myself).


And just like all the great poets

that came before her,

she, too, decided to die.


But then she realized that

there were far too many

poems to write and

far too many things that

needed to be said.


For Sylvia Plath, I choose to live

Source: https: //weheartit.com/entry/182199446

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